Remote Control Glider Club in Costa Mesa, CA
Charter #128 Costa Mesa, CA
AMA's Oldest Radio Controlled Soaring Club
Founded in 1962, AMA Chartered Since 1964
Silver Leader Club Since 2009. Gold Leader Club Since 2011.

HSS Flying Field is Open !!!
Free Flight, DLG, Hi-Start, and Winch Launch Gliders Only
Located in Fairview Park, Costa Mesa
First and Third Saturdays of the Month

Harbor Soaring Society Invites you to the June 23, 2019 SC2 Contest
Date: Sunday, June 23, 2019
Location: Fairview Park 2525 Placentia Ave. Costa Mesa, CA 92628
(Enter off of Canyon Dr. – see map) Field: Dirt / and More Dirt
Sign up: 8:15 AM
Pilots Meeting: 8:45 AM
Contest Starts: 9:00 AM
Fee: $10.00 Each Class – Open, RES, WOODY and ALES Free for NOVICE and AMA Juniors & Seniors (18 yrs and younger)
No Flying over launch area or ANY area to the East of the launch area below launch height
TASKS: 4 Rounds of Precision Duration – flights each worth 900 points – landing 50 points – 1000 total per round Round 1: 5 mins., Round 2: 8 mins., Round 3: 10 mins., Round 4: 8 mins., – For a total of 31 minutes – Open flight order 2 Winches with retrievers, approximately 450’ to turnarounds, landing zone behind winches on model runway ALES will launch parallel to winch corridor. ALES height limited to 150 meters by limiting device.
AWARDS: OPEN Expert, Intermediate, Sportsman and RES – 1st thru 3rd place,
ALES and WOODY – 1st place only
RULES: AMA required All 2019 SC2 Rules apply Restroom available on site
FAA 400 Foot (AGL) altitude limit in effect.

Fairview Park Address
2501 Placentia Ave
Costa Mesa, CA 9262
Navigate to the Airfield
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